Registration Using Remix
Bridge KIP-7 (fungible token, original token on KLAYTN) to another chain (Ethereum, Polygon, etc...)
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Bridge KIP-7 (fungible token, original token on KLAYTN) to another chain (Ethereum, Polygon, etc...)
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This guide is based on the contract address and amount supplied. Take this guide as a reference and type in the exact numbers and address as told.
Add Network from the networks dropdown if needed
Open Networks again and select the network you added
Remix IDE - an online IDE to develop smart contracts.
Download abi files
Load abi files into Remix IDE
Select ft.abi
Approve Token
Select Deploy & Run Transaction on left bar
Select Injected Web3 for Environment
For Metamask
Check chainID (ex. KLAYTN : 8217)
Put your token address and Load Contract (ex. KSP : 0xc6a2ad8cc6e4a7e08fc37cc5954be07d499e7654)
Put spender and the amount to be bridged
In this case KLAYTN Layer 1 contract : 0x9Abc3F6c11dBd83234D6E6b2c373Dfc1893F648D
If your original token is on a chain other than KLAYTN, please refer to the Layer 1 contract addresses
Click transact button
Send Transaction using Metamask
Bridge Token
Load the Layer 1 contract referring to the Approve Token step
KLAYTN Layer 1 contract : 0x9Abc3F6c11dBd83234D6E6b2c373Dfc1893F648D
Get ChainId for toChain (Use MATIC for POLYGON due to predefined bridge rules)
Put chainId to check if toChain is a supported chain
Put chainId to check the bridge fee to toChain
If chainFee is zero, then value set 0
if not, you must put chainFee in VALUE. (ether = 10 ** 18 wei)
Dropdown depositToken, fill params and click transact
token : your token address (ex. KSP : 0xc6a2ad8cc6e4a7e08fc37cc5954be07d499e7654)
toAddr : address for receive bridged token
amount : amount for bridging (ex. 0.04 KSP = 40000000000000000, decimal = 18)
Send Transaction referring to the Send Transaction using Metamask step
You can check the bridged token by searching for toAddr in toChain's explorer